With the myriad of changes in regulations, court decisions, federal and state agency enforcement trends and guidance – while taking into consideration rising financial stakes associated with workplace safety and health issues – it can seem daunting to keep track of the various legal issues impacting employers.

To help you to follow and keep up with all of this, Seyfarth invites you to a breakfast briefing. We will review these changes and discuss strategies to help you stay on track. Our OSHA team will share “real-world” examples based on their experience in accident and fatality investigations, union and employee complaints, whistleblower cases, and compliance with national and state enforcement programs and initiatives aimed at protecting employee safety and health.

Please join Brent Clark, James Curtis, Mark Lies, II, and Meagan Newman on June 12, 2013, as they review some of the key issues and trends in OSHA compliance and enforcement today. While advance registration is required, and seating is limited, there is no cost to attend.