Photo of Ilana R. Morady

By Ilana Morady

On September 13, 2011, The ChicoBag Company (“ChicoBag”), a reusable bag manufacturer, and Hilex Poly Company (“Hilex Poly”), the nation’s largest one-use plastic bag manufacturer, settled an unfair competition suit brought by Hilex Poly against ChicoBag.

Earlier this year, Hilex Poly filed a complaint in U.S. District Court of the District of South Carolina alleging that ChicoBag

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On August 10, 2011, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed Senate Bill 2106, which amends the Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act (“the Act”). The new law is aimed at ensuring that more electronic products will be recycled. It is predicted that the new requirements under the law will increase the recycling of electronic

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By Ilana R. Morady

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co., a subsidiary of R.J. Reynolds, has been advertising its Natural American Spirit cigarettes as earth friendly, additive-free, and organically grown. Consumer groups have been less than pleased with the company’s “green” marketing. While the tobacco used to make the cigarettes may be grown in an ecologically responsible manner, the “green” claims
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