By Brent I. ClarkJames L. Curtis, Mark A. Lies, IIAdam R. Young, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: OSHA reminds employers of the hazards of distracted driving. 

OSHA has recently released a “Guidelines for Employers to Reduce Motor Vehicle Crashes.”  OSHA states that “every 12 minutes someone dies in a motor
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By Brent I. ClarkJames L. CurtisAdam R. Young, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: Last month at the 2018 National Safety Council (NSC) Congress the speakers noted that “safety programs shouldn’t end when employees walk out the door and get into a vehicle to drive.”  The session was presented by Karen Puckett, the Director
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By James L. Curtis and Craig B. Simonsen

OSHA is again reminding employers that it considers distracted driving a workplace hazard that employers are responsible to prevent.

Accordingly, employers should be aware that OSHA is looking carefully at distracted driving and will issue citations and penalties to employers who are out of compliance. To stay in compliance, employers should ensure

Continue Reading Distracted Driving Leads to Employee Accidents and Fatalities