By Adam R. YoungA. Scott Hecker, James L. Curtis, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: NIOSH reports in its recent Science Blog that “falls are the leading cause of death among construction workers.”

NIOSH notes that each year roughly 300–400 construction workers fall to their deaths, most often while working at heights on roofs, ladders,
Continue Reading Fatal Falls in Construction Account For More Than Half of All Work-Related Falls Nationally

By James L. Curtis and Craig B. Simonsen

A recently published study presented at a National Occupational Injury Research Symposium found that Hispanic or foreign-born construction workers were over sixty percent more likely to have fatal falls from roofs than most other workers!

The study, Fatal Falls from Roofs Among U.S. Construction Workers, was published in the Journal of

Continue Reading Fatal Falls and Accidents Involving Foreign-Born and English as a Second Language Speaking Workers in the US