By Patrick D. Joyce and Craig B. Simonsen

This week at the U.N. Climate Change Summit in New York City, President Barack Obama, joined by leaders from more than 120 countries from around the globe, announced his Executive Order on Climate-Resilient International Development. 79 Fed. Reg. 58231 (September 26, 2014).

The Executive Order directs all federal agencies to factor climate
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By Wan Li and Craig B. Simonsen

The State Council recently announced new Guidelines for pilot programs for trading emissions permits to reduce air and water pollution.

Key pollutants to be traded under the pilot programs include sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the air, and chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen in wastewater. Speaking of these pollutants, Huang Xiaozeng,
Continue Reading Business Interests in China? State Council Issues Guidelines for Pilot Emissions Trading Program

By Meagan Newman

While large and small companies across the globe have been addressing issues of corporate responsbility and sustainability for many years now, India has became the first country to pass a law that requires large companies to spend a percentage of their profits on corporate sustainability initiatives.  The law, which updates India’s Companies Act of 1956, applies
Continue Reading World’s First Corporate Responsibility Mandate Passed in India