By James L. Curtis and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: OSHA has just updated its “Protecting Temporary Workers” website, for staffing agencies and their clients (i.e., host employers). The page reminds these employers that they are jointly responsible for a  temporary employee’s safety and health .

We have blogged previously about OSHA’s enforcement activities and guidance documents
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By Benjamin D. Briggs, Patrick D. Joyce, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: OSHA has just reminded temporary staffing agencies and their clients (i.e., host employers) that they are jointly responsible for a  temporary employee’s safety and health in two new guidance documents relating to respiratory protection, noise exposure, and hearing conservation. Temporary agencies and host employers
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By Benjamin D. Briggs, Brent I. Clark, and Craig B. Simonsen

iStock_000060649530_MediumSeyfarth Synopsis: OSHA has just reminded temporary staffing agencies and their clients (i.e., host employers) that they are jointly responsible for temporary employee’s safety and health in two new guidance documents relating to safety and health training and hazard communications. Temporary agencies and host employers that
Continue Reading OSHA Releases Two More Temporary Worker Guidance Documents

By Brent I. Clark, Meagan Newman, and Craig B. Simonsen

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health released yesterday their “new” guidance for “Recommended Practices” to protect temporary workers’ safety and health, for staffing agencies and host employers. DHHS No. 2014-139 (August 25, 2014).

This new guidance comes on
Continue Reading New Guidance for “Recommended Practices” to Protect Temporary Workers