By Philip L. Comella and William R. Schubert

Earlier this week, we blogged about the broad range of “reform options” for energy incentives that members of Congress are drafting, and the fast pace at which this area of public policy can move.

Now the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has spotlighted an EPA alternate energy initiative
Continue Reading EPA Initiative Recognized as Leading Government Innovation

By Philip L. Comella and William R. Schubert

Changes in regulation and investment incentives seem to happen at a frenetic pace in the energy sector.

For example, we have previously blogged about the last-minute extension of renewable energy credits and the year-to-year changes in EPA’s biofuel standards. As we pointed out in a recent one-minute memo about possible funding
Continue Reading Reforming Energy Incentives: Everything from Carbon Tax, to Performance-Based Standards, to Complete Repeal is an Option

By Jeryl L. Olson and William R. Schubert

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed its renewable fuel standards for the year 2013.  The proposed rule would require producers, importers, and distributors of gasoline and diesel to add greater proportions of renewable fuels to their products.

The 2013 proposed rule includes a standard for the nationwide volume of “cellulosic biofuel”
Continue Reading EPA Proposes 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards