By Jay W. Connolly and Aaron Belzer

bottleSeyfarth Synopsis: New California regulations provide more specific guidance on the content of Prop 65 “safe harbor” warnings, and on the corresponding methods for providing such warnings.

Come August 30, 2018, consumer products to be released into the California marketplace must meet new regulations under California’s infamous Proposition 65. On August 30, 2016,
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By Ilana R. Morady and Meagan Newman

On January 15, 2015, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modify the clear and reasonable warning regulations under Proposition 65.

As most businesses residing in or doing business in California know, Proposition 65 is the law that requires businesses to notify Californians about the
Continue Reading California Proposes New Rules For Proposition 65 Clear And Reasonable Warnings