By Ilana R. Morady and James L. Curtis

Seyfarth Synopsis:  Effective January 1, 2020, Cal/OSHA is revising its injury reporting obligations to be more aligned with the injury reporting obligations under federal OSHA.

As most employers with California operations know, Cal/OSHA has unique injury/illness reporting requirements that differ from the Federal OSHA reporting requirements. These differences are important, and
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By Joshua M. HendersonIlana R. MoradyJames L. Curtis, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: On November 6, 2018, the California Office of Administrative Law approved Cal/OSHA’s emergency regulation for the electronic submission of CY 2017 Form 300A on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.  Covered employers will be required to submit their Forms to Federal OSHA
Continue Reading Emergency Regulation Approved! Electronic Submission of CY 2017 Form 300A Required by December 31, 2018 for California Employers

By Joshua M. HendersonIlana R. MoradyJames L. Curtis, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: CalOSHA published a news release TODAY, on a new emergency regulation for the electronic submission of CY 2017 Form 300A on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.  CalOSHA submitted the rule yesterday, and will allow public comments until Tuesday, October 30th, with
Continue Reading Attention California Employers!  Cal/OSHA Issues Notice of Emergency Regulation for Electronic Submission of CY 2017 Form 300A by December 31, 2018

By Jaclyn Gross and Colleen M. Regan

Seyfarth Synopsis: Halloween is lurking just around the corner, and workplace festivities may present unusual challenges. Unsafe or offensive costumes, religious discrimination, and harassment are among the issues potentially facing employers around this time of year. Here are some tips to avoid the tricks and enjoy the treats.

Exorcise Your Right to Have
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