By Jeryl L. OlsonPatrick D. Joyce, Adam R. Young, Ilana R. Morady, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis:  The continued efforts of federal, state, and local governments to legalize cannabis, both in medical and recreational uses, leaves many potential impacts, including environmental law and regulatory issues in the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of cannabis
Continue Reading Future Enterprises and Environmental Impacts in the Cannabis Industry

By Patrick D. Joyce

The United States Supreme Court today ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s  (EPA) regulation of air pollution crossing state borders did not violate the Clean Air Act. Environmental Protection Agency. et al. v. EME Homer City Generation, L. P., et al., __ U.S. __ (April 29, 2014).

The High Court’s decision overturns an August
Continue Reading Supreme Court Opinion May Compel Power Producers to Install New Control Measures or Force the Closing of Older Coal-Fired Plants

By Roy Meilman and Michael Rosenthal

After many months of discussion and opposition, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the Act), signed into law by President Obama on January 2, 2013, to avert the fiscal cliff, extended and modified the laws surrounding renewable energy credits through January 1, 2014, some of which were set to expire December 31, 2012.

Continue Reading Last Minute Extension and Modification Finally Comes for Renewable Energy Tax Credits