By Hoorya R. Ahmad and Patrick D. Joyce

Seyfarth Synopsis: Effective July 17, 2023, employers with outdoor workers in the state of Washington will be required to follow revised heat illness prevention rules. The revised rules modify Washington’s long-standing 2008 rule and expand employees subject to the rule’s protection. Employers should review the required Washington State Accident Prevention Programs to

Continue Reading Employers Feeling the Heat: Washington Adopts Permanent Changes to Outdoor Heat Exposure Rules Effective July 17, 2023

By Hoorya Ahmad and Patrick Joyce

Seyfarth Synopsis: Washington State’s COVID-19 emergency declaration expires October 31, 2022 but the Health Emergency Labor Standards Act (HELSA) administered by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I), and codified at WAC 296-62-602 to -609, will remain in place for the time being.

HELSA is triggered by

Continue Reading Washington’s COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Expires October 31, 2022 — Employers Must Continue to Follow HELSA Notice & Reporting Requirements

By Helen M. McFarland and Amanda J. Hailey

Seyfarth Synopsis: The Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) issued its first citation against an employer for violating Washington’s Safe Start Order.

As set forth in our May 28, 2020 blog postProhibited Business Activities and Conditions for Operations,” the State of Washington is enforcing its Emergency COVID-19 Safety
Continue Reading First Employer Cited For Violating Washington’s Safe Start Order

By James L. Curtis, Helen M. McFarland, Patrick D. Joyce, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: The State of Washington’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) just enacted Emergency COVID-19 Safety Rules on “Prohibited Business Activities and Conditions for Operations.”

In a first-of-its-kind emergency rulemaking, DOSH enacted an emergency rule that, on its face, allows
Continue Reading WA DOSH Issues Emergency COVID-19 Safety Rule Mandating Compliance with Emergency Proclamation and Safe Start Reopening Guidance